Grab my Blinkie

 photo kayskreationz-vi1_zps0affcfed.gif THANK YOU so much for making this amazing blinkie for me Sandy. You Rock!


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Monday, August 5, 2013

FTU Tutorial Gold Card Shopping

For this tutorial you will need the following:

Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.

Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Bits-N- Bobs, which you need a license to use.

Scrapkit of choice. I used an FTU kit called "Dazzling Gold" by Mary at Sweet As Honey

Please remember to leave a little bit of love when you download free kits.

Font of choice. I used Papyrus which you can get at the Font Zone

Template of choice. I used a Kandi Kissez Collab FTU Template made by Dee and Mary

You can download the template here.

We will be using the template kkdeecollab1. 

Be sure to thank them for sharing.

Plugins: No outside plugins used

Keep in mind that my choice of papers (and even the kit) are just a suggestion.

Change things a bit to make your creation unique. 

My tutorial is just a suggestion.

Add a drop shadow of your choosing to tubes & elements throughout. 

I usually use 2, 2, 40, 3, Black, unless otherwise noted.


Let's Create!

Open a new canvas 700 by 700 transparent. 

We can resize later. 

Open your tube and template. 

Shift D to make a copy and close the originals.

Delete the credentials and the white background. 

For my creation I deleted some of the template

layers such as the word art,

the dotted squares, and the small stars. 

You may work with the template how you chose.

On the large frame back layer select the layer and add Paper 9.

For the dual frame backs I used Paper 10. 

When placing the papers select the template layer, copy and paste your paper as a new layer

then on the paper layer click invert and delete your excess.

Open your tube and paste as new layer. 

You will need to resize it to fit properly on the template. 

See my tag for placement. 

Duplicate tube. Then Adjust Gaussian Blur 4. 

Set Blend Mode to Hard Light or setting of your choosing. 

Merge your two tubes together. 

Add a Drop Shadow to make it stand out. 

Add elements of choice from your kit. 

For the glitter background I duplicated it,

then mirror and merged the two layers.

Once you are happy with all your elements from

the kit you need to 

crop your tag and resize.

Add all proper copyright information for your tube.

Add any text you like or just a name

Then save as PNG.

You are done.


I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. 

If you find any mistakes or don't understand something please let me know 

so that I can improve my tutorials. 

You can email me